第109回北米放射線学会(RSNA)Certificate of Merit受賞報告

【第109回北米放射線学会(RSNA)Certificate of Merit受賞報告】
今年は奈良医大から4名の先生が参加し、入里先生と中野先生が「Certificate of Merit」を受賞されました。
Awards : Certificate of Merit​
🏅入里 真理子 Mariko Irizato
A Deep Dive into Essential Predictive Imaging Features of Abdominal Neoplasms in the Era of Personalized Therapy: Insight into the Correlation with Pathological, Molecular, and Genetic Background
🏅中野 亮汰 Ryota Nakano
A Pictorial Review: Lymphoma and Lymphoproliferative Disease of Thorax
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